Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Austin Powers and the Minneapolis Millers have struck a trade, each dumping extremely underperforming right fielders.

The Millers get Al Kaline ($5), sending Sam Crawford ($6) to Shag-a-delic City.


Anonymous said...

I must protest. Let it be known that Moosey's Pre 1900 batters are now no more. I was wondering how long John could go before he couldn't stand losing. :)

Anonymous said...

never could stand losing, but geez a girl and kid is kicking my butt and good. I guess my 19th century crew was just a preference not a principle.

elder moosey

Anonymous said...

Did you guess that it was me, the mighty sid that had the previous post?

John Moosey said...

nobody has ever been into this game more than Sid. It was a no brainer. Is it cool in the cellar?

Anonymous said...

It is cool to be in the cellar. It is part of the master plan to be rid of a moosey from my division. If I don't make the playoffs I have an opportunity to move to the AL, Right? I would die to be in the Saints division :)Just you wait your turn Johnny, you will replace me in the cellar soon enough. See you at the draft !

with Love,
